Buy high-quality Amoxicillin powder for Pharmaceutical Ingredients directly from our factory. We are a trusted manufacturer, offering competitive prices and efficient delivery worldwide.
Amoxicillin, also known as amoxicillin or ammercillin, is one of the most commonly used semi-synthetic penicillin-class broad-spectrum β -lactams, which comes in a white powder with a half-life of approximately 61.3 minutes. Stable under acidic conditions, gastrointestinal absorption rate up to 90%. Amoxicillin is bactericidal and has a strong ability to penetrate cell membranes. It is one of the oral semi-synthetic penicillin that is widely used at present, its preparation has capsule, tablet, granule, dispersive tablet and so on, now often make dispersive tablet with clavulinic acid.Bismuth potassium citrate 110mg, 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals and before bedtime;Amoxicillin 500mg, metronidazole 0.2 g, three times a day.Omeprazole 10mg, once a day, for four weeks as a course of treatment can be very good to relieve the symptoms of stomach disease, the treatment of stomach disease, but also repair the gastric mucosa and stomach damaged parts, reduce the side effects of Western medicine.Antibiotics.Amoxicillin is highly bactericidal and has a strong ability to penetrate cell walls.It is one of the more widely used oral penicillin at present, its preparation has capsule, tablet, granule, dispersive tablet and so on.Penicillin allergy and penicillin skin test positive patients contraindicated.